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About Crumbs of Coffee

Hello to all coffee lovers around the world!

I am a Finnish coffee drinker, food writer and a muffin eater. When I am not drinking coffee, I am thinking it, and these Coffee Art Posters are a product of many a restless night under the influence of the magical bean. 

I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them! 

I ship the posters within 3 days of order, and depending on how far away you are from Finland, you should be getting your Coffee Art within a few days to few weeks. While waiting for your poster to arrive, you can also check out my blog, Crumbs of Rain, where I have some lists of coffee shops around the world.

Please let me know if there is a specific colour palette for a poster you wish to have, and I see what I can do! 

Best regards,

The Crumb of Coffee